Saturday, May 17, 2014

Getting into the journal Science through the back door

Well, since I can't seem to get myself into the journal Science as an author (see my post on my second Science rejection, and one on my third rejection; my first rejection was back in my pre-blogging days), I guess I'll just have to settle for getting quoted in one of the journalism articles in Science.

Wade, Lizzie  (2014)  Beyond the Temples: Turning Their Backs on Spectacular Monuments, Archaeologists are Studying Ordinary Households to Uncover the Daily Rhythms of Long-Lost Cities. Science 344:684-686.

This is a decent discussion of non-monumental archaeology in Mesoamerica, with only a couple of silly points included (I won't mention these, to save some people embarrassment). For me, the fact that I am not misquoted or misunderstood is a pleasant surprise. I was impressed with the knowledge and enthusiasm of author Lizzie Wade in our phone conversation a month or two ago.

It is really great to see several projects from the University at Albany (SUNY) getting featured. Marilyn Masson and Rob Rosenswig are featured and quoted in the article, as is Rob's student Rebecca Mendelsohn, and my former Albany Ph.D. Tim Hare. Albany has a fantastic Mesoamerican archaeology program, a fact that some university administrators there can't seem seem to understand. But the journal Science understands.

And, it's always good to hear some interesting news about Teotihuacan from some of the top people working there (Linda Manzanilla, Ian Robertson, and Mike Spence).

The Tlamimilolpa compound at Teotihuacan
And speaking of Teotihuacan, just wait till you hear the new results on inequality at Teotihuacan, from my research group at ASU (the paper is under review).It will blow your socks off!

1 comment:

  1. I'm very happy to see this! Congrats to you and all involved for getting household archaeology on the radar.
